We take responsibility for the environment
As one of the world’s oldest abrasive paper manufacturers, we want to take the lead and help ensure a sustainable future. We will continuously launch a range of initiatives that strengthen our position as a green partner. Our goal is to produce an eco-friendly abrasive paper which, in principle, can be eaten.
100% green WIND energy
From June 2020, we converted our electricity purchases to 100% renewable and CO2-neutral energy.
With 100% WIND Energy, which is produced by Danish wind power, we help protect the environment and strengthen both production and investment in eco-friendly energy. At the same time, we support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (goals 7, 12, and 13).
From heating oil to natural gas
In the third quarter of 2022, we will convert our entire production from heating oil to natural gas.
The conversion will benefit the environment, as we help reduce CO2 emissions and our overall energy consumption.
Eco-friendly wastewater treatment
Our wastewater must not harm the aquatic environment or soil and groundwater. Therefore, we have initiated the implementation of a new wastewater treatment plant to ensure that nutrients and water are recycled and that waste substances are collected or degraded.
We expect to implement our wastewater treatment plant in the third quarter of 2022.
Less waste - more recycling
Waste should - if possible - always be recycled. As one of the world´s oldest abrasive paper manufacturers, we have a great responsibility, especially in relation to cardboard, plastic, bonding residues, and sand grains.
In the first quarter of 2022, we will launch a strategy for our waste sorting, which means we can sort all our waste at its source. Then it can be picked up and recycled into new products.
Eco-friendly bonding
We continuously collaborate with our experts to develop more types of bonding without harmful additives and color pigments.
Today, approx. 30% of our types of bonding are sustainably produced and we work to ensure that all the bonding we use is eco-friendly.
The goal is that by 2023 we will have 100% eco-friendly bonding.
At Dragon, we want to offer our customers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional abrasives.
As one of the world’s oldest abrasive paper manufacturers, we have produced a green product line of abrasives, which consists of recycled paper, Nordic Ecolabelled dye, and an eco-friendly bonding.
GCO Green Circular Transition
Dragon A/S has in 2021-2022 completed GCO where our focus has been on changing our business model into a new, green and more environmentally friendly business plan/model.
This has resulted in significant changes in our way of producing abrasives paper and in a much greener profile.